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CHAPTER 15 (from the book - see reference at end)




            There must be little doubt that this terrorist event on September 11, 2001 is the most complex in known history. Typically, conspiracy theories abound, but in this instance most of these explanations appear to have some truth. Contrarily, more people are awakening to the fact that the most dubious explanations or even fabrications come from the media with its blatant cover-up of underlying true causes. Nevertheless, generally the media succeeds in creating a hoodwinked and utterly misinformed public.

            Thus following the official explanations regarding the WTC attack, not surprisingly there remain many confusions and unanswered questions—in particular, how the towers fell. The British television immediately released a documentary explaining with some care how the buildings collapsed—too pathetic to review here.  Firemen with their experiential knowledge, unprompted, homed in immediately to the main clues: the excessive ash; the missing tower debris; the explosions before, during and after the building fell; melting metal, yet lack of heat as evidenced by their melted steel toe-capped boots, etc. There are so many seemingly unrelated effects of this 9/11, and they continue to mount up: radiation, thermite, tritium, cold fusion, etc. After 13 years no public theory gives a complete and comprehensive explanation, and this includes conspiracy theories.

            Explosive experts will tell us the blast was an implosive one and could apparently only have been created by skilfully placed charges in the buildings. In fact, obvious to physicists and engineers, the falling top section fell too fast and would have met with huge resistance in the lower sections but, in particular, it would have in turn demolished the upper falling section itself as rapidly as the lower section, leaving an intact tower, about half the size. Moreover, the heat and fire from the aircraft crash or burning fuel wouldn't be sufficient to melt the girders, and yet molten metal was clearly witnessed.

            The fact that no publicised evidence of the use of explosives was provided, we know only too well does not prohibit the above possibility. Furthermore, even firemen with all their experience of the debilitating effects that fire has on building structures did not anticipate the collapse of the buildings. Also, as implied above, comments were made by firemen that the amount of debris was not commensurate with the quantity expected from such buildings and that there was excessive ash (we shall see that this is of key significance). Interviews and eye‑witness accounts referred to flashes in the basement as though from explosive charges.

            Even greater puzzles accompanied the Pentagon attack. Reports refer to the ‘airliner’ actually having been seen striking the building but first ploughing into the lawn. But there were no furrows in the ground, and furthermore two parked cars in the path of the plane were unaffected. Photographs show a neat hole in the wall of the Pentagon about the diameter of the plane fuselage, which must clearly have been created by a much smaller object. There appeared to be no signs of any aeroplane engines or tail, etc., amongst the debris.

            Witnesses claimed to see a much smaller white plane approach the Pentagon (with blue and red stripe). However, it was deduced that this was destroyed by an armed helicopter; in fact, one conclusion was that no plane actually crashed into the building.  Several explosions were heard and the damage showed clearly that the explosions came from inside—windows and walls blown outwards, not inwards from an outside strike. 

            It has recently been revealed that a major Pentagon anti-hijack exercise took place on the morning of 9/11. Furthermore, that air traffic controllers initially thought that the planes were taking part in the Pentagon’s exercise.

            For many years it has been known secretly that the government has advanced holographic technology; that, for example, a small plane or missile could project out an encompassing holograph of a larger plane, and further that sound, even of a helicopter, could be suppressed. Moreover, the stealth invisibility technology has been achieved; it is not just radar invisibility.

            The damage to the Pentagon was compatible with the effects of a much smaller plane or missile. This would appear to be the most likely scenario, accompanied by internal explosions. Furthermore, an extended holograph of the airliner would explain the lack of damage to the grounds and the cars. In addition, the question of even the valid presence of hijackers arises from evidence that these identified terrorists were found to be alive at a later date. Also there is advanced airline software that enables a ground controller to instantly interrupt a plane's computer system and take over complete control of the aircraft—even lights, locks, etc.—from the ground! This could even eliminate the need for hijackers. Its claimed purpose is of course to disable the pilot control of the plane when hijacked.

           Jim Marrs in his book ‘Above Top Secret’1 lists seven hijackers named by the FBI that were found alive after 9/11 and who when questioned or interrogated revealed such information as:  . . . passport having been stolen; . . . never having been to the U.S.;  . . . that one of them died before 9/11; . . . never having heard of Pennsylvania, etc. Investigators have revealed that the terrorists’ organisation, supposedly run by al Qaeda, the main suspect, was a CIA operation. Moreover, genuine FBI agents when on the track of the claimed hijackers were thwarted by the CIA.

            The biggest puzzle was the collapse of World Trade Centre building 7, which fell about eight hours later without being struck by any aircraft or anything observable, and was being used as a temporary command centre. An official report was that fires weakened the building but how the fires were started was unknown. No adjacent buildings were affected. It fell in the manner of tower one and two, symmetrically and at free-fall rate. Official records show that no steel-reinforced building has ever collapsed due to fire. The BBC apparently announced the collapse of building 7 some 20 minutes before it occurred. Also firemen were seen shouting to people to keep away as the building was coming down. A major confusion arose from the reports that the owner of building 7, Larry Silverstein, when told by firemen that they may not be able to contain the fires, suggested that they should ‘pull it’ (an expression used in the demolition trade for bringing down a building). Years later it was stated that he meant ‘pull the firemen out’. However, this was contradictory since the firemen had already been withdrawn from the building.

            Finally there was the fourth plane that apparently crashed and didn’t attain its target. But there was no recognisable airline plane debris; just a crater and the ridiculous official suggestion that the plane must have buried itself in the soft earth. The site in fact resembled more a missile impact. However, of considerable interest is that Guardian material reveals that the destination of this fourth ‘plane’ was the Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania.2

            Any lack of verification of these reports is not of major concern here except to build the picture for a much more hidden and controversial scenario—a scenario which will invoke scepticism and ridicule from even the most ardent conspiracy theorists (not to mention anticonspiracists) but considering what this book is about the reader should be well conditioned and prepared by now for what is to come. However, we still have much more evidence to reveal that something extraordinary happened at the WTC site. And fortunately much of this evidence is commensurate with the final solution.

            Furthermore, this astounding disclosure in no way invalidates the evidence that the secret government was involved in the WTC attack, or whether or not bin Laden was working with the terrorists or, further, that software was used to control aircraft, or holographic projection used to disguise a plane, or the recognition that explosives were used to bring down the towers. In fact, on the contrary, some or all of these factors could be at work. Thus any of these causes could have played a vital role in the careful planning of the event. The point is that some cover was required for the main event, which may well have included superfluous events to cause confusion. Therefore we can know, as fact, that at least two major scenarios existed, one a cover for the other.

            These are all possible factors creating the event but what about motives that have been speculated? There is always the destabilizing effect on a community, or even the world, by the chaos and fear from a disturbing and malicious terrorist attack, and the precipitation of wars. A further motive for the necessary destruction of the towers was that the towers housed CIA offices that had files of sensitive documents of a political nature, for example, the gold loan made to the U.S. from China. Trillions of dollars worth of gold were stored in the basements. This was apparently stealthily removed by 'garbage trucks' at night and loaded onto heavy supply aeroplanes. Immediately following this the 9/11 disaster occurred. In 1933 the U.S. had needed a boost to restart their economy, and China, in a state of disorder at that time, needed assistance. When the 75‑year lease expired, the gold wasn't returned. Thus the destruction of the towers would hide the evidence of the stolen gold. There were other covert political records that were destroyed, including apparently Israeli as well as Palestinian involvement.

            To complicate matters still more, there has been an exposure of medical cases of people suffering from the toxic after-effects of the dense ash from the collapse of the towers. One video interview with a local resident of an office block in the vicinity of the towers revealed that he had suffered an almost endless series of ill-effects, many serious, from toxic fumes that had penetrated his office, which he claimed even corroded his paintings on the walls. Related to the toxins and more recently even radiation, there are also claims of toxins identified as anthrax spores, indicating military intelligence involvement, which killed five people.

            The implied radioactivity is based on reports of about 70,000 cases of cancer following 9/11. Now, appropriately, there was detection of a radioactive element, tritium,3 at the WTC site, at an intensity of about 50 times background. (Background means normal levels found in the atmosphere and water.) It now surely follows that this was not only the source of the cancer but that small nuclear weapons were used to bring down the towers. The Russians seem to think so (see later information on this).

            Nevertheless no radiation was detected. Tritium, which is an isotope of hydrogen (a form of hydrogen), is a sure indicator of a nuclear reaction and is required in the application of all nuclear weapons. However, there is far more tritium after typical nuclear-plant leaks than that observed at the WTC site, plus other elements much more radioactive.

            The authorities deny the nuclear-weapon theory and insist that the illnesses were due to toxic fumes. Admittedly there was no ionizing radiation detected.

            Now further to this extraordinary scenario, tritium is also produced in researching cold fusion. Remember the suppression of Pons and Fleischman some 20 years ago when they claimed to produce in the laboratory a cold nuclear fusion reaction, a process more powerful than thermonuclear reactions, revealing transmutation of elements, that would bring unlimited supplies of clean energy, ‘disproving the laws of physics’ as some scientists objected. This is the ‘political’ mystery of cold fusion.

            Thus, as indicated clearly in Dr Judy Wood’s video,4 here was a phenomenon in the midst of 9/11, which might lead to a complete solution to the energy crisis.  However, the conclusion was that no ‘nukes’ were used to bring down the towers—people around the world would have detected the radiation, and even small ones would create blinding flashes (however, see Russia’s contribution to this, later).

            Now the next puzzle, which may not be incompatible with the above, though will appear totally incongruous, was the ‘jumpers’—referring to the many people, over a thousand, who jumped from the towers to avoid the fires (or so it seemed). We know that the bodies on striking the ground exploded, indicating mass that was already in a state of disintegration. But how can one account for the fact that at least two males were seen removing clothing. One discarded his shirt and the other his trousers while hanging outside the windows. Maybe their clothes were wet (from sprinklers, etc.). Or maybe there were other reasons.

            In the early analyses of the weird effects observed at the WTC site, microwaves were briefly considered (for example, severe toasting effects of cars was evident). But more important there is a crowd-control microwave device that causes a feeling of burning up and one has to get away. This effect apparently is many times worse when the crowd is wet.

            Microwaves won’t turn buildings to dust. But we are on the right track. We shall now introduce further evidence that originated with the great Nikola Tesla.

            Probably Tesla’s main goal was to bring free energy to everyone on the planet but his efforts to apply this knowledge were thwarted by the power companies and Illuminati bankers. Even in the oppressive antics of 9/11 there is a possible parallel. Dr Judy Wood, in her video/lecture, examines a possible further cover-up to what brought down the towers and reveals that amongst the extraordinary effects of the energies involved, that there was the signature of a cold-fusion phenomenon, which officials denied, just as they did with the early successful experiments of Pons and Fleischman.  Thus the evidence of samples of tritium remaining after 9/11 had a lot in common with cold fusion as stated (a source of abundant energy that can be harnessed). But surely this is crazy! Isn’t the imagination or wishful thinking running away here? We shall see.

            Now Tesla, even in his day, created many of the strange energy effects witnessed at the 9/11 event and these have been investigated by John Hutchinson. Dr Wood lists below the many effects evidenced at 9/11, which Hutchinson could replicate using a particular energy-wave technology (now referred to as the Hutchinson Effect). 




Bent beams

Slow bending of metals

Shredded metal structures

Fractured metal structures

Peeling appearance

Fusion of dissimilar materials

Thinning and rapid aging

Levitation or disruption

Toasted looking metal

Circular holes in materials

Reduced mass of material

Rounded holes in glass

Examples of effects:

(Photographs are available on the video by Dr Wood of the above effects.)


Fuming iron girders that buckle but remain cold, and metals that bend at room temperature. Massive girders bent double without cracking or heat effects. 


Melting without heat.  Paper not affected. 


Weird fires: cars lit up, even after the buildings fell; flames coming out of car doors, etc.


Round holes in glass.  Sometimes only the outside pane in double glazing.

Different metals would meld together, and even transmutation of elements occurred.


Metal luminance without heat.


Dustification of metals and other materials: gradually or quickly turned to ash. 


Holes in metals. A witness looking through a window saw the road cave in. 


Dr Wood’s video shows a series of photographs of the massive antenna as it gradually turned to dust.


Levitation: parked cars moved or just turned over. A camera man interviewed, described being tossed in the air as though by a tornado and being carried unharmed nearly one whole city block. 


Cars toasted: parts of cars burned, e.g., front half toasted and rest unimpaired.


            Firemen referred to their observation of building floors turning to dust, also not forgetting the ‘melting’ of their steel capped boots—with no heat? Photographs show firemen walking in water unaffected in a designated ‘hot area’ of estimated temperatures more than twice boiling point amongst burned and molten debris, but trees were not damaged.  Clearly high temperatures weren’t involved.

            We have already seen that all these effects can be explained by the Hutchinson Effect (except the radiation). Temporary conclusions have been made that some kind of electromagnetic activity was used to break down the materials in the 9/11 event and create the anomalous phenomena described above.  

            To complicate matters further, during the 9/11 there was an unannounced hurricane approaching. It unexpectedly turned around. Was this one of those weather-controlled hurricanes using HAARP and its associated networks (see Chapter 9)?

            Tesla was the original investigator of scalar-wave effects and consequently was a forerunner in scalar-electromagnetic technology.5  Recall Tesla’s ‘death ray’, which the Russians acquired and Kruschev’s statement in the 1960s that they could bury America. Also, in the 1970s Brezhnev advocated a world treaty that such weapons (scalar technologies) will never be used.

            Today, scalar weapons is a top secret technology and it originated with Tesla, but who would only have used it for peaceful purposes. Thus we now have a tentative explanation of all the weird phenomena occurring at the WTC site on September11. But we still have cancer cases to explain, which virtually prove that what we call nuclear radiation was therefore involved. However, there was no Geiger-counter measured radiation. Furthermore, thermite had been found amongst the debris and it was being blamed for anything. Thermite is an incendiary chemical used in explosives to increase heat. But the steel structures of the towers had aluminum cladding—explained by structural engineer Dr Woods. From this we have iron oxide (rusting steel) and aluminum power. These are the products that form the composition of thermite; so we don’t really have a thermite solution.

            Does this mean it was a so-called inside job, utilising the secret technologies of scalar-electromagnetic waves by the covert/secret government? Not necessarily. As we might have guessed by now from the previous chapters, the cover-up provided by the aircrafts was really for ET activities (not just government), the much bigger picture. So what is going on here?

            We are finally ready to disclose the shocking truth about this 9/11, and the form these subversive activities take in this unsurpassed event of a combination of complexity and confusion, horror and technology, and supreme deception, concealing the real causes, finally shrouded by politics, covert politics, and exo-politics.

           Humans have been educated with a very narrow view of reality. All learning involves formatting the mind, but over a long period of time, with continuous repetition and reinforcement through television, the media in general, science and education, the learning process acts like a hypnotic pattern/framework of thought—these structures are projected out creating false realities.

           If we think of the physics of our environment it does not take much imagination to recognise that our third dimension is formed from a particular spectrum of frequencies (basically scalar), just as our television picture is created by the selection of a wave band or channel. Switch to another wave band (spectrum) and you have another picture. Similarly if we changed spectrums we would change our reality—tune into another world, if one existed in that frequency band. Races that are advanced enough to oversee us or interfere with our society will exist in higher-frequency bands via inner space, including the astral frequencies—negative beings more in the lower-astral spectrum.

            In other words, we do not perceive the activities of the aliens at the physical level. That these interpenetrating spectrums exist should be elementary physics. The only reason people don't know about this is because current science (as well as some religions, etc.) is being manipulated to prevent ascension/evolution. The evolutionary process obtains its main boost from the ascension mechanics—the most important event in our civilisation, which has been concealed from the public.

            There are several different groups of non-benevolent aliens as we have implied in other chapters. They each have their own control grids of varying design within our Earth (Appendix B). Our planet has a natural grid that manifests its energy template and form‑holding pattern, the morphogenetic field, and crisscrossing ley and axiatonal lines. The intruder ET grids are implant systems used for broadcasting, programming and ensnaring our civilisation. Frequency patterns are radiated containing geometric intelligence/information, to which living cells can respond (read). There are also a few positive grids created by enlightened ETs to aid our planet. The power of the natural planetary alignment during the ascension cycles will activate these systems, good or bad (and this is what the invader types wait for, patiently—see Appendix B on APINs).

            The reason why these invader ETs demonstrate so much interest in planet Earth is mainly because Earth has many inner‑space interconnections (portals, wormholes) enabling instant access to other parts of the universe, Inner Earth and other dimensions.  This is merely a step towards their ultimate goal of galaxy 'assimilation'.6 It represents a vast energy source for these parasitic ETs who have lost their evolutionary direction, even though intellectually brilliant. One might think of the portals as central junction boxes linking different dimensions and even time matrices and circulating the energy.  The pathways exist in inner space but may connect to our external environment. Earth apparently does in fact have a privileged position of being in the vicinity of a principal portal (energy centre or Stargate) and subsequent pathways, all part of the inner-space blueprint or universal templar complex; the blueprint of our Time Matrix and the Holy Grail of the invaders’ quest (see Chapter 20). Note that this ‘privileged’ position is not referring to the ‘pivot’ point of rotation between our galaxy and Andromeda, mentioned in Chapters 5 and 13.

            What is the connection then between the ETs’ presence and the fall of the WTC complex and the above-described scalar technologies? It was necessary to give some groundwork here before elaborating on the explanation for the collapse of the buildings and the 9/11 event.

            One of the many grid‑type systems implanted into our Earth by the invader ETs is engineered by the process of spiking* seed implants7 into the Earth; a little like embedding programmed microchips, which when activated by both the natural planetary alignment and also scalar-sonic pulse technology (even from other planets through subspace) become a transmission station linking to other implant grid systems.8  The sonic pulses are used to put online the networks of APINS and wormholes. They create a myriad of mini‑wormholes connecting to, for example, the ETs’ large Phoenix and Falcon wormholes in the Bermuda Triangle (see Chapter 2 ). Technically the spikes create scalar standing columnar waves (a Tesla discovery). When the spiking matrix is combined with other systems it would cut out man's higher perceptions and prevent any aid to Earth (from higher realms) by enlightened ETs. The spike seed implants are prevalent around the globe. Primary points exist under where the WTC buildings stood and the Pentagon. Free Masons put their main commerce power sources in these same regions, knowing these places were important but not knowing why. The seed implants can be triggered by scalar sonic pulses, causing them to open up myriads of mini-wormholes—like small tributaries connecting to the main wormholes; see Figure 2, Chapter 5.  [* ‘Spiking’, meaning insertion of these devices; not to be confused with seismological graphical spikes indicating Earth tremors.]

            Sonic pulses are used by these ETs to expand and activate their seed implants (programmable mineral crystals). Note that the so-called ‘trumpet’ technology creates and projects very specific sound structures to desired long range targets. Sound structures are specifically-formed sub‑space wave fields. These wave fields are composed of pre-material micro‑subatomic units; ETs call them mions.9 Mions represent the pre-matter transition stage between fundamental particles forming blueprints and atomic particles known by science. This technology is also capable of turning matter into ash. However, such a powerful technology would likely collapse structures on the surface. 

The ETs take particular care not to arouse too much suspicion and will go to great lengths to cover their tracks (hence the re‑writing of our history). In fact, seismological pulses (spikes) were detected deep down under the buildings immediately prior to the fall of the structures. New York seismometers recorded massive bursts of energies at the start of each collapse of the two buildings; these were not earthquake spikes, and were a complete mystery. Moreover, molten steel was found in the basements seven levels down at the bottom of the elevator shafts and also where the support columns connected with the bedrock.  Seismographs at Columbia University 21 miles north of the WTC recorded inexplicable seismic activity that day, which still has not been explained. The aliens had planned to blast the spiked grid system below the WTC and Pentagon into activation to further establish their grid agenda and simultaneously provide a cover and eventually stir up WWIII*. Thus any terrorists, such as bin Laden (unaware of the alien manipulation), working with the government Illuminati (see Chapter 8), provided the perfect cover and also created conflicting conditions in the world, that is, a polarity, division, rather than a unity of nations by condemning those not specifically supporting anti‑terrorism. We know that many nations of those not supporting the anti‑terrorist coalition, suspect covert‑government involvement. Thus this major terrorist event, 9/11, was also a contrived 'trigger', a false flag, for international wars to incite and justify U.S. war against Iraq and other related countries, leaving America and Israel in control.  [* WWIII would act as a massive cover for ET activities whose interests extend to manipulation of wormholes, portals, star gates, particularly in those Eastern regions; also wars provide a distraction for the Illuminati bankers, whose reign is limited.]

            It might be added that the Guardians did in fact warn nine contactees around the world what the invaders had planned, who immediately informed appropriate authorities, only to be ignored—the information was considered to be a hoax.

            Scalar sonic pulses, of which the energies are shaped like trumpets (hence the Biblical reference to 'trumpet'), are so powerful they can create wormholes, and render matter turned into ash and dust. Towards the end of WWII the Germans developed an inferior form of a laser sonic beam—highly destructive at a few hundred yards but it had too much spread, creating dangerous conditions for both sides. Most of the German advanced technological inventions and discoveries were ET‑inspired.

            The activation of the spikes under the towers is very complicated. The following is a brief rendering. The ETs involved in this were the UIR (United Intruder Resistance) that we introduced in Chapter 5, which is a temporary alliance between factions, even opposing factions, in their efforts to defeat the Guardians. A primary store of energy to be utilised for scalar-sonic strategies was housed for some time at a base in Bermuda, which was at the location of Stargate-3 (a primary Earth energy-vortex centre) until September 11, 2001. The Anunnaki group affiliated with the Dove APIN system (see Appendix B) used the Phoenix Wormhole (in the Bermuda Triangle, see Chapter 2) and an allied group, the Necromitons (of the White Eagle APIN system group) to simultaneously transmit two powerful sub-space scalar sonic pulses, referred to as trumpet pulses. These pulses were projected from the Falcon and Phoenix wormholes to the Bermuda base where they were combined. From there they were accelerated by using the stored energy at the base through the Montauk/Philadelphia- Experiment wormhole (see Chapter 5) and into the Phoenix spike location with primary points under the North WTC tower, the first to be struck by an aeroplane. Shortly after this first plane hit the tower another pulse was sent to the second tower and then to a region under part of the Pentagon. The fourth attack didn’t reach its destination, as mentioned earlier, consequently the fourth subterranean spike was not activated by the aliens.

            Now it is interesting to note the interview of a staff member who was working in the basement at the time. He asserted quite emphatically that he suddenly heard and felt a blast under his feet coming from deeper into the basement. Then immediately following this he heard the first plane crash into the building. This could have been quite in line with the UIR plan to cover their activity underground by the aircraft collisions. In this case, it may have been created as a distraction to support the explosive theory; a further cover for the ET agenda, but not the government. However, in addition, we might note again that seismological spikes were observed just before the first and second building fell. But there were no records of an earthquake.

            Recall, shortly after the first tower fell, the astonished fireman treading inches of ash as he examined the debris; and furthermore, the density of the ash fumes during and after the fall of the towers. This wasn’t smoke but mainly fine debris that was suffocating to breath. A witness working in a nearby office was watching the burning building before it collapsed and stated that there were explosions far below where the burning was taking place. Also recall the woman news reporter who heard and saw a flash of an explosion coming from the basement while the fires were occurring atop the tower.

More recently the startling revelation is occurring of claims that there is proof now that it was a ‘nuclear event’; the term being justified by reports of thousands of cases of radiation cancer following 9/11. Thousands of victims are on stem cell therapy to keep them alive including a Wall Street broker who suffered from cancer. These victims are applying for ‘9/11' compensation. This is apparently a larger group of cancer cases than those from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Rumour indicates that the FBI agreed with the small nuclear weapons theory, that they were carried by the planes.  Videos show quite clearly the undercarriage of one of the planes, which has been compared with a military craft by experts, revealing that it was a bomb compartment.

           Thousands of Americans developed cancer, related to 9/11; how many died is not known. There have been rumours that it was due to drywall dust from China containing radioactive phosphorus-gypsum. But no Chinese drywall had been imported to New York and none was used in the WTC. The official conclusion is that around 70,000 survivors of 9/11 developed cancer and the cause appears to be ‘toxic soup’.

            The complication here is that we are dealing with the effects of very advanced technologies, thousands of years ahead of our science, and that the most powerful system of energy transmissions was used: the scalar sonic electromagnetic pulse or scalar photo-sonic pulse. Was this responsible for the ‘nuclear’ radiation? A scalar wave has magnitude only and not direction, compared with the electromagnetic (EM) wave which has magnitude and direction. Strictly this means the EM energy waves in space and is transverse, but the scalar energy waves in time, is longitudinal and essentially what is called a standing wave. Scalar waves can couple to create EM waves with an explosion (of heat and light) of chosen magnitude. The scalar is basically 4D, which, within a region of space, oscillates in energy potential in time over that distance. It is thus waving in a direction at right angles to 3D space. Picture an elastic membrane stretched taught. Pluck it along the plane, that is, parallel to its plane and we can imagine transverse waves in the plane moving spatially across the membrane. This is the EM wave. Now picture plucking the membrane at right angles to the plane (above or below the plane); this oscillation represents the scalar.

             Scalar waves were discovered by the great Nikola Tesla, the true father of electricity, whose identity has been suppressed from public knowledge. He was using his discoveries for peaceful purposes, such as free energy, but after his death scalar applications became secret and only used by the military. Note that scalar weapons now virtually relegate nuclear weapons to a convention class.

            Thus the scalar sonic pulses that similarly have some spread in the target area were timed in relationship to other events when bringing down the buildings to minimise suspicion. Besides the WTC and Pentagon many more significant buildings, such as the White House were also built on the spikes. The Pentagon spikes were apparently not centrally placed underground. The scalar pulse either had sufficient spread or was precisely on target—this is not as difficult as it may sound using ET technologies.

            But what about WTC building 7? This collapsed in the same manner as the others but there was no plane crash as a cover. Did the aliens make a mistake and maybe a stray scalar sonic pulse hit the spike under building 7? It would appear that it wasn’t a mistake since reports indicate clearly that certain people had foreknowledge of the building being ‘pulled’. Thus we can only surmise that the aliens either simply made an error with their administration and planning and decided to activate the spike under building 7, or possibly did this because the fourth plane failed, and no spike activation procedure was executed, but it was too late to create an adequate cover. Either case, they would have immediately ‘impulsed’ their sleeper Illuminati (see Chapter 8) to jeopardise the building, for example, start fires and spread the rumour that it was to be pulled down.

            It appears hardly likely then that the Earth Illuminati scalar technology was deployed if explosives were also used by them to provide a sufficient cover, but leaving then the anomalous effects unexplained (except that they can be explained by alien technology). Or if it was Illuminati scalar technology and this was sufficient to bring down the towers, explosives would be superfluous. But in this case how was the scalar technology used; there were no reports of any mysterious extraneous activities, such as black helicopters; though the HAARP network potential should enable pin-point accuracy anywhere on the planet for destruction effects? We must thus eliminate explosives, unless they were simply added (by ET influence) to bring more confusion and not necessarily setup in the required expert demolition manner (since the scalar energy could bring the towers down in that manner). The Illuminati, most of them unaware of the ET agenda, needed the cover of the terrorist attack by planes—and this is all they would know. But the ETs also needed their cover, using a technology of scalar-sonic electromagnetic pulses far superior to that of our secret government. The latter might use the HAARP system but not the full amplification ET network, which could only be operated by the ETs.

            Our conclusion is that the scalar-sonic pulses (alien technology) created the main damage, including all the bizarre effects, but some explosives were used. Thus all the scalar effects were more than adequately accounted for by the alien scalar-sonic pulses, even the underground ‘seismological’ spikes.

            Could the scalar sonic energies have caused the presence of tritium we may ask?  We saw above, that transmutation of elements was one of the Hutchinson effects. If not, the aliens could certainly have introduced tritium to create greater confusion (or to explain the radiation effects and draw attention away from any analysis that was leading to their scalar waves as the cause). But the tritium, even at 50 times background would be unlikely to account for all the cancer cases. What about the potentiality of scalar waves to precipitate radioactive effects (apart from the tritium which we have discounted). Scalar sonic pulse technology of the aliens is not only thousands of years ahead of us but it apparently is the most powerful force of energy in the universe.

               Thus we have to account for the additional presence of radiation, tritium, and cold fusion. Regarding radiation, with sufficient exposure to the peripheral effects of scalar sonics, that is, not direct exposure (which would create severe damage, or even vaporisation or ‘dustification’ and death), biological cells could be compromised, for example, by ionization, causing this effect to be mistaken for nuclear radioactivity.  This would be beyond our current scientific knowledge. Or at least we can surmise that the ETs were responsible for the mysterious appearance of tritium by whatever means.  The purpose, no doubt, would be to add further confusion to the puzzles and give an explanation for the radiation ill effects (diverting attention away from the aliens). 

            There still appears doubt about the required source of radiation; not detected but effectuating cancer. A recent leak of so-called top secret Russian research into the 9/11 and its evaluation, referred to as ‘Too classified to publish’, concludes that nuclear devices were in fact used. The Russian authorities would not need to cover up the truth but use it as a weapon to discredit the U.S. government—thus one would expect more factual information from the Russian official authorities.10 According to this document, samples taken after 9/11 reveal evidence of small nuclear weapons, and it is suggested that a 2-kiloton device would be sufficient to bring down the buildings that would create a fire ball 150-200 feet in diameter and a temperature of over 4000 degrees centigrade.  Since it occurred underground the blinding flash wouldn’t be seen. Fallout would be minimal and located at ground-zero, mainly. Radiation would fall to acceptable levels in three days after the blast (note the area was cordoned off for three days). Most cancer cases would arise from the trapped fallout in the cement. Now what about the thermite?  The document explains that very high gamma radiation can cause thermite residue.  Furthermore, this pulse of radiation could cause vaporisation of the 20-ton antenna tower. The conclusion was that neutron bombs were used that give a reduced fallout, which can be further reduced when ‘salted’ with other materials. The radiation would rapidly reduce to safe levels (from the point of view of detection but the biological damage could have been done).  

            Let us return to the scalar argument as cause. Again the scalar sonic activity could have left a signature, exhibiting the cold fusion reaction, and scalar sonics could no doubt be utilised with many adaptations for free-energy applications. After all, Tesla could have achieved this with his scalar applications but was stopped by the power-company monopolists.

            We have given Russian evidence that detection of radioactivity need not have occurred in using small nuclear devices (only its after-effects in cancer). However, what about scalar sonics? This energy, if responsible, would be only creating temporary radiation effects—the scalar waves as such are not radioactive, that is, they don’t contain any radioactive particles. There needn’t be any after-effects of radiation in the environment that could be detected.

            This 9/11 event was part of a major plan extending back many years. The underground spiking was part of setting up the APIN technologies which would be activated during the Stellar Activation Cycles (SACs).11 We can guess that the conditions set up, underground spiking of specific buildings, was a strategy that could be used during these SACs when they activated their APINS, the Philadelphia experiment of 1943, the 1983 Montauk experiment, wormholes, etc. and HAARP, as covered in previous chapters. These alien systems would be brought on line during the SACs.

             The WTC event was a further step in the population control agenda by means of these control networks—see Appendix B on APINS. Let us summarise the levels of solutions that have been proposed and bring out the main points of this most complex of terrorist events.

            In summary, we can form four divisions here for the different levels of data and evidence, causing one to arrive at certain conclusions, each providing a plausible solution—at least to some people.

1) There is the public level of information in which it is claimed that terrorists brought down the buildings with aircrafts, which was immediately detected as a cover by many professionals or observant people, but a cover for what?

2)  A large body of structural engineers, architects and scientists know from vast overall experience that such aircraft collisions with the buildings could not bring down the towers. Moreover, the fires caused by the aircraft could not burn at anywhere near the temperature required to melt steel (though we later found that something more than heat could be causing the effect). The collapsing buildings were much more characteristic of a well‑planned and timed series of explosions, giving rise to speculations of bombs being planted—utilising the high‑temperature incendiary chemical, thermite, but which as we saw could have formed from the mixture of iron oxide rust and aluminum (powder) from the girder cladding, after the collapse. However, what about the many unexplained features of the more bizarre effects, in particular, the quantity of ash and the missing volume of structural debris. Nevertheless the methods arrived at, at this level, to bring down the buildings were explosives professionally planted, since it would be known by experts that a plane crash would not bring down those buildings. This group (covert government/- Illuminati), using this method of destruction would need the first category above, the aircrafts striking the towers as a cover. On the subject of the first plane crash into the tower, the video of this, probably the most publicised of the crashes, revealed a bomb pod on its undercarriage that ignited on impact. (But as a further point of interest, this video showed that when the left wing is examined in slow motion, it momentarily disappears behind a distant building, and when the wing strikes the tower it slices through the upright girders like butter with no damage to the wing or the engines. Was this photographic manipulation intended to confuse, or even possibly a holographic (not fully opaque) aircraft extension to the actual main body? Moreover, it is possible that nothing crashed into the buildings, but reconstructed photographs were immediately made available.)

3) But we saw that any of the above did not explain all the bizarre phenomena, exposed very clearly by Dr Judy Woods. Thus yet a further level of investigators were dissatisfied with the above efforts (in particular, the explosives theory) to provide an answer to all the causes. For example, vehicles were moved and lifted, some with partial severe heat damage referred to as 'toasting' with an abrupt and sharp division separating the intact, unburned remaining body, characteristic of microwaves. Moreover there was the ever‑present mystery of the ash and subsequent missing debris; a quantity not commensurate with the volume of material comprising the original building. Further examples of information incompatible with the ‘explosive solution’ (category-2 above) are metal girders with localised melting, requiring the scalar effects of low temperature, including firemen's metal‑capped boots, but paper materials were unaffected.

            The solutions for this level of explanation and causation suggested that scalar energies were deployed (scalar physics and technologies today are not taught in universities). Scalar beams can reduce heavy materials, such as used in building structures, to ash. This group would still come under the covert government and Illuminati category.

            This explanation is clearly much closer to the truth since it can account for all the destructive effects, including the incongruous ones. But how could scalar technology be applied without some leakage of information, revealing something of the strategy employed?

            Since we can know that the secret government and Illuminati have advanced scalar weaponry, was this method used? Or was it both scalar and explosives, and using the aircrafts and terrorists as a cover? As far as we are concerned if scalar wave technology can explain all the phenomena then we don’t need the explosive theory, which we have seen is inadequate to explain everything (we can consider both, if one is prepared to consider that the authorities would go to so much trouble). Nevertheless we still haven’t explained the radiation and the resulting cancer cases. Moreover, as we mentioned, there were a couple of ‘seismological’ spikes measured below both buildings just before they fell. These spikes are inconsistent with 'causes' 1, 2,

3, above so how can one account for a disturbance deep underground indicated by these spikes in relation to collapsing buildings when it clearly was not due to earthquakes?

4)   We now have of course a further explanation, a final piece of information that can account for all the scalar effects: rigid structures of buildings hugely compromised, a weakening effect from mild to severe, the latter resulting in nothing but ash; the mental state of over 1000 persons, causing them to leap from the towers, and their bodies which exploded on impact with the ground; unburned paper attached to molten debris; the free‑fall rate of the collapsing towers, in which the consecutively impacted underlying floors disintegrated with no resistance; firemen's melted metal toe‑capped boots with no injuries (this would take extreme localised heating to explain this conventionally).  The scalar sonic pulse technology of the intruder ETs is capable of creating all the above described phenomena. Even more; hurricanes can be created using the HAARP system in scalar mode. Could this explain the ‘temporary’ hurricane we mentioned earlier?

         Moreover, the ET explanation can quite logically include that both explosives and scalar technologies were used as a cover, whereas the Illuminati level would not need both—it would increase their exposure. All the ‘ground level’ evaluations lead one clearly to suspect scalar waves as the cause, though we should be dubious that human Illuminati technology was capable of creating all these effects. However, the ET information provided by the Guardians12 is very convincing and when seriously considered gives us a more complete explanation.


1.  Book: Jim Marrs. Above Top Secret.

2.  Book: Voyagers vol.II.

3.  Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen. The hydrogen that we are familiar with has a nucleus with one proton (the most abundant hydrogen), designated H-1. Deuterium (H-2) is an isotope of hydrogen with one neutron and one proton in the nucleus. Tritium (H-3) nucleus has two neutrons and one proton. Tritium is the most stable radio isotope with the least radiation. Small amounts occur naturally in water and the atmosphere.  When it is exposed to oxygen it readily forms water. It can replace ordinary (H-1) hydrogen in some compounds. It is the least dangerous of radio-nuclides and almost always found in water—and is water (but could cause cancer). It is released during nuclear reactions, and is a triggering mechanism for thermonuclear fusion processes (with the potential for abundant energy but is accompanied by great heat). Nuclear bombs required large amounts of tritium for their operation. Tritium is also used for luminescence (of signs, watches, and clocks).

4.  Video by Dr Judy Woods:

5.  Book: Tom Bearden. Solutions to Tesla=s Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons.

6.  Book: Voyagers vol. II.

7.  APINS: global grid systems and mass‑mind control, see Appendix B. and Appendix B.

8.  Seed implants function like ‘microchips’ utilizing selinite quartz; and are in effect programmable mineral crystals.

9.  Mions: pre-matter particles, Voyagers book vol. II.


11. So what is ascension? Stellar Activations, as they are called, occur every Planetary Time Cycle, which has a period of 26,556 years (not to be confused with precession of the equinoxes). Towards the end of this period (in our special case, 2000‑2017) Earth's vortex aligns with that of our Sun, then Alcyone (Pleiades), and those of increasing higher‑frequency systems, in Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and Andromeda (these special vortices are referred to as Stargates through which flows the basic energies and energy patterns of the universal blueprint). These systems are partly within one another—our solar system is within Alcyone's influence. For extreme simplicity, think of these cyclic systems as containing a bar magnet across their diameters. As they rotate, alignments can occur of many systems, forming one large 'magnet'. This is known as a Holographic Beam, which after completion of the ascension period, leaves the so‑called Photon Belt Effect (see Chapter 21), an immense region in space, radiating a cloud of electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond. The cloud consists of electrons and positrons that collide, creating radiation (photons).

            Earth then receives this massive influx of higher frequencies from these six systems. If our planet is imbalanced—just as a criminal mind of low, fragmented frequencies can't stand harmonic high frequencies—cataclysms will ensue, in other words, a foundation for the so‑called Armageddon. During these ascension cycles not only does the Earth change in frequencies (evolve) but the human DNA expands its spectrum of information. This is probably the most withheld information of our recent history.

12.  Workshops and Voyagers vol. II by Ashayana Deane. 

N. Huntley, Ph.D.

       The popular theme of the book deals with the underlying causes of mysteries and unresolved questions of great interest to both layman and serious scholar that have become commonplace on this planet, ranging from scientific enigmas, such as the Moon, the origins of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, to religious contradictions on the life of Jesus Christ, the nature of the soul, heaven and hell, and the popular puzzles, such as the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge, etc., with a thorough review of the notorious 9/11 event, revealing the true underlying menace. However, while exploring these fascinating subjects, their hidden agendas are exposed, revealing a history of gross manipulation, assisted by the role of mythology, and how this is concealed within media politics, covert politics and exo-politics, combining the activities of HAARP, the Illuminati and MJ-12, etc., finalising with what is in store for the human race.



CONTENTS (second edition)


CHAPTER 1 The Missile that Went Awry


CHAPTER 2 Bermuda Triangle




CHAPTER 4 The Dinosaurs and Extinction Periods


CHAPTER 5 The Philadelphia Experiment


CHAPTER 6 Stonehenge


CHAPTER 7 Our Enigmatic Moon


CHAPTER 8 The Real Illuminati and Their Origins




CHAPTER 10 The Crop Circle Riddle


CHAPTER 11 The Arc of the Covenant


CHAPTER 12 The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid


CHAPTER 13 The Phantom Matrix


CHAPTER 14 The Real Heaven and Hell


CHAPTER 15 The World Trade Centre Collapse: The Hidden Agenda


CHAPTER 16 Atlantis


CHAPTER 17 What is the Soul?


CHAPTER 18 Who was Jesus Christ?


CHAPTER 19 King Arthur


CHAPTER 20 The Holy Grail


CHAPTER 21 The Photon Belt


CHAPTER 22 Japan and the Atomic Bomb: Secret Political History


CHAPTER 23 The Ghost Phenomenon: And To Bury or To Cremate


CHAPTER 24 The 'New Human'


CHAPTER 25 Hollow Earth and the Real Inner Earth


APPENDIX A Time Matrix


APPENDIX B Atlantis and Lemuria Implant Network Systems


APPENDIX C Tests of Truth in Science


APPENDIX D Dimensions of Inner Earth






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